We provide a fully comprehensive payroll & pension service which is tailor made to meet each client's individual requirements.
Our Services include:
- Payroll set up and processing.
- Weekly, fortnightly and monthly payroll
- Calculation of Termination Payments
- Calculation of Benefits-in-Kind
- Facilitation of the deduction of Local Property Tax
- PAYE Exclusion Orders
- Advice on Employee Share Schemes
- Payroll Review and Advice
- Revenue Audits, Investigations and Appeals
- Maximising expatriate tax incentives including the Special Assignee Relief Programme (SARP) and the Foreign Earnings Deduction (FED)
- Pension calculation and advice on percentage of pension contribution.
From experience, the main areas of focus during a Revenue Audit are as follows:
- Benefits-in-Kind and in particular cars
- Small benefits
- Payments to Contractors
- Un-vouched Expenses
- Travel and subsistence allowance issues.
- Share schemes.
- Termination payments.
- Shadow Payrolls.
Please contact us if you have been selected for an Audit or an e-Audit Intervention or if you have received an Aspect Query from Revenue or a Letter requesting the review of a specific query. We can also assist you in relation to Self Correction, Unprompted Qualifying Disclosures as well as Prompted Qualifying Disclosures.
Over the past years, our clients would agree that the majority of our audits have been settled with minimal disruption to their business, without publication on the Defaulters' List and on reasonable and acceptable terms.